“Make your visions a reality.”

Allow your essence to pour into your life.


“ Take a deep breath...
If you are reading these words, it can only mean one thing. You have finally made the brave decision to answer the call from within. The call to go on a journey to find someone. Someone who you have already felt must somehow be there! A fulfilling source of wisdom, love and life force. Allow me to welcome you to this journey full of wonders, the journey within!

I want you to be aware of how far you have already gotten… In this polarised world we live in, it is necessary to experience how it is to get off your path. Only that brings conscious awareness of the existence of your path. Having experienced dissonance, you can now develop your inner guidance. To feel how to be who you really are! The universe wants you to become conscious of who you truly are, so you can choose to break through the limitations of the ego and become one with it again. At-one-ment. That is its way of showing you that it loves you. By showing you the way home. Whatever it takes.

That you continued your path and at some point decided to trust the process, through all the adversity and discomfort, is the ground work to live happily ever after. For that perseverance only, you deserve the utmost respect. For getting up over and over again and believing that it will be worth it.

Now the question is. Are you ready to follow through. Are you determined to terminate the search and find? Are you ready to let go of the temptations, opinions, explanations, results and identifications, that however important they might seem, are all limiting you from truly being alive? Are you aware, that in order for your life to change to the most amazing ways, it might challenge you in uncomfortable ways in the process of unfolding?

Take another deep breath...
If you don’t feel ready, it is absolutely fine. You have the absolute freedom to keep playing the game beloved friend. You are and will al-ways be loved and your inner Self, will always be there. Until you really find the determination for yourself, enjoy your freedom, I really mean that!

But… if you feel ready... If these questions trigger in you an energising wave of excitement. If you truly had enough and found out that this game is a dead end, which means this journey is the real deal. If you are ready to accept, that you are the protagonist of your own story
Take another deep breath and feel free to smile...
Then it is time to align with who you truly are. To recalibrate your system to your inner divine being.
If you choose this path, I am rooting for you. And if you have a good feeling about working with me, it would be my honour to guide you on this magical journey. You are the hero/ the heroine of your very sacred journey! Own it. Love yourself every step along this path! “

“ Caduceus - representing the inner journey to your Divine Self “

what people say


  • This is for everybody who is simply feeling a satisfying pull towards it. You will know if this is the right thing for you. Feel into it.

    This program was designed

    …for everyone who may feel stuck in an internal pattern, like an itch they can somehow not reach…

    …for everyone who wants to break through some sort of cycle that keeps them creating unsatisfying life experiences.

    …for anyone who feels the inner fire and determination to unconditionally be who they really are.

    So take your time. Ask yourself openly if this is for you. Wait for the response of your body. You will clearly feel if this is for you if your heart opens up and you feel a sense of freedom. :)

  • The short answer is no!

    No believe or understanding of concepts is needed. After all, only experience teaches and that is what makes it wisdom for you. The relationship is mostly lived as a subjective science and in any science you need to be sceptical, as well as open. That is all that is needed. Be open for change.

    The more detailed answer is that despite collective spiritual amnesia, we all are spiritual beings in the core, consciously or not. However we call it, our connection to the unknown, to the subconscious, to our intuition, to the bigger part of us. We are much more than our eyes can perceive, but through generational trauma, education and conditioning, anything that goes in the direction of “spirituality” can bring us into states of resistance or fear. That I do understand and respect.

    If you are able to explain what topic you are passionate about, we can easily work with that. Any topic holds wisdom. By mastering one thing, you can master yourself. There is no need to trigger blockages when the time hasn’t come to release them.

    So no worries, I am equipped to still get you into deep connection to you inner wisdom in a comfortable way.

    Looking forward to getting to know you! :)

  • Yes, I include energy healings in every coaching. You will feel certain things and movements in your body and depending on if it is helpful for you, it will be more on the surface to see, or simply do its work in the background.

    In some cases, you can also request pure energy work sessions. If there is an invitation for rapid remembering, I may recommend additional energy work, which can be made through my associates or me.

  • Yes, there are!

    Generally, this is about inclusivity. I understand that not everybody has the same means financial freedom yet.

    If you feel like it is time to invest in yourself, we will find a way to compensate my efforts. Don’t you worry about that brave soul!

    Feel free to reach out to me, if you feel like the moment has come to invest in yourself. If you still need support in making the payment, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will figure something out.

“The hero’s journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say, 'Look, you’re in Sleepy Land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here? Well, there’s not enough of you there.' And so it starts.”

— Jospeh Campbell