“starting with myself.”
One can only give, what one have given to oneself.
Patrick D. Lueke
How i got here
“My name is Patrick & you can believe me, when I tell you this… I tried to use all kinds of excuses & limitations, simply to not be who I really am. Afraid of failure & not being worthy of love, I closed off my heart & ran from life for many years. Eventually, I realised that there was no escaping & I was only making my life harder than it already was. I gave in & came to my senses. I cannot fail to be myself & if life is hard either way, why not go for all? There was always just going to be one way that would be fulfilling for me.
Be myself no matter what. I changed my direction & went within to reconnect. In the process I received a lot of support from amazing people who at some point in their life decided to do the same. Life became the magical adventure my heart always desired. …Don’t get me wrong, I would lie if I would say that I have figured it all out & of course I still get lost in the sauce from time to time...
But still, in all honesty I wouldn’t change a thing. The journey of self-discovery is just that worth it! Now, I actually embrace & find it fulfilment to be a human being. I am truly committed to loving & nurturing who I really am. That is why I am so passionate about serving others on their journey to align with who they truly are!
My Intention
“I love to see people go through life with that innate knowing that anything is possible & that life is a gift for them to enjoy. And even if they forget about that inner spark, because of inevitable darker periods of life… I want to help them remember that life happens for them. Eventually they will always find a way to reconnect even deeper with their inner knowing. I strongly believe that life, even if it looks different for everybody, is supposed to be a joyful & fulfilling journey.
So I gladly volunteer to follow my bliss unconditionally & lead by example. Embracing the full spectrum of the human experience, the ups & downs, facing fears, finding new ways to reconnect… to share what I life taught me with those who dare to live fully. My intention is for people to be able to find alignment & with that, the intuition & satisfaction that is their birthright.
I am driven by the curiosity to see what would become of the world, if people would know what they are made of & reach for their dreams wholeheartedly. I am willing to find out, one soul at a time! ”
THE ART OF Alignment
“My approach in coaching people into alignment is one of respect & artistry. I consider every being as a unique & worthy being of art, who needs an individually tailored approach. You are the artist as well as the art!
That means I do not know how you’re going to align with fulfilment, but I am equipped to find that out together with you. To truly empower you I have to respect you as your own master. I am responding to your unique perspective. Through different states of consciousness I can build bridges between you & your higher or inner self. I hold space for higher guidance to pass through to you. I assist you to trust that guiding voice inside of you. Because I can hear it too. That is my gift.
I channel quest-ions, concepts, stories, energies, all in order for you to softly recognise & align with who you really are! You walk the path, I support. The closer you come to your inner self, the more satisfaction you feel. That is our compass. You will be able to tell that our work is successful, by how relieved, joyful, empowered, clear, free, thankful & satisfied you feel in the unfolding.”
tools of alignment
Never stop learning
Throughout my own healing journey I have learned many tools that I use in my coaching. I will never stop learning new methods of alignment, because healing is life & I love to learn. Being able to assist others in their journey made me deepen my own learning intensity.
Everything you say or do can & will be used for you!
My biggest joy lies in helping people change perspectives to see solutions or release blockages. I grew up with different cultures & naturally know how to translate & build bridges. It helps that I speak 4 languages fluently & meditate since 10+ years. I learned many techniques, from different teachings & cultures that became my toolkit:
South-American Shamans & Powerful Healing Plants like:
Ayahuasca (Peganum Harmala with Mimosa Hostilis/Jurema) & Rapé.
Kambô (Frog) & Psilocybine (Mushrooms).
Traditional Chinese Medicine - Mainly QiGong;
Reiki & Jin Shin Jyutsu from the Japanese;
Indian Yogic System, Meditation including Breathwork techniques;
Western Systemic Coaching, Adaptations of Breathwork, Storytelling, Phycology, Etymology, Alchemistic Laws & Coaching Techniques;
Latin, Nordic and German alchemist language & spells;
Russian light work techniques & numeric healing methods;
Western Quantum Science & research;
Ancient African Spirituality, Wisdom, Healings & Nature-based Medicine.
Special thanks to
Everybody starts from different viewpoints, perspectives & backgrounds. All ways lead to Rome. To pick somebody up where they are & help them calibrate to where they want to be, is an art that I admire & enjoy very much. Special Thanks to following teachers:
To the Shamans of Theschooloftheheart.nl
To all the wonder-full Medicine-Plants that assisted me & keep guiding me.
To Reiki Master Anoushka Driesch mit-der-seele.de
To the amazing Meditation Community of Kindrêd feelkindred.com
To the traditional Chinese Medicine Masters of Casrooseboom.nl
To the amazing Guide from Lightresonance.com.au
To the wonderful Channel Abraham-hicks.com
To my Mother, the wonderful heart-opener, energy healer & Channel!
To my brave and loving Family & Friends.
And so so many more who were there & continue to be there for me!
Infinite love and gratitude,
/Pa də tríck/
In French you would pronounce it as "pas de trick”, which translates to “no trick”. No Trick means it must be real. Healing doesn’t only need to be understood on the surface. It needs to be deeply embodied & lived by. This is the first step.
/Páss ðə tríck/
In English you would pronounce it as “pass the trick”, as in “share the technique”. If you have mastered a technique, the next step to deepen the learning is to share it with others. This is the second step.
/There is no need to withhold wisdom. Teaching is simply the next step to deepen your understanding. A true master, will always also be a student. In fact it is impossible not to assist, or inspire others while truly striving. When the student is ready, the teacher appears & vice versa. /
“You will never be able to run away from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”